Friday, July 24, 2009

Ayah Kau Pesan....

Semalam aku jumpa ayah kau
Dia ingat lagi kat kau tapi kau ingat ke kat dia???
Dia nampak macam risau je…

Aku tanya kenapa nampak macam risau je??
Dia jawab “Pak Cik teringin nak jumpa anak pak cik”..
Dia cakap kalau dia tak sempat nak jumpa dengan kau
Dia ada tingalkan pesan..

Jangan kau lupa pada Tuhan
Takut nanti Tuhan pula lupa pada kau.

Bila berkawan jangan berperang
Takut nanti kalau sakit, takde kawan yang hendak datang.

Kalau kau sesat, janganlah malu hendak bertanya orang
Supaya kau boleh nampak jalan pulang.

Bila dah senang nanti, jangan kau lupa pada ibu bapa
Takut nanti kau jadi macam TANGGANG anak DERHAKA!!

Jangan lupa segala pesan
Sebab tak ada apa yang dia hendak bekal
Kerana dia sudah pergiI ke BATU NESAN!!!

“Sayangi dan hormatilah bapa,ayah,abah,abi,babah,daddy,dad dan segala apa yang anda panggil seorang insan yang bergelar bapa dan suami sementara mereka masih hidup.Kerana merekalah insan yang telah membesarkan kita,memberi kita makan,memberi kita minum dan melayan karenah kita ketika kita masih kecil.Sempena Hari Bapa ini janganlah anda lupa mengucapkan “SELAMAT HARI BAPA” kepada bapa anda pada 21 Jun 2009.”

Artikel Cinta ini telah dikirimkan oleh saudari Faten Sofie.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Doa by Ahmed feveret.


Oh Allah, have mercy on me in the name of the great Quraan,
make it for me a guide and light,
And guidance and mercy,
Oh Allah, make me remember that of it which I have forgotten,
Make me know of it, that which I have become ignorant of,
And make me recite it in the hours of the night and day,
And make it an argument for me, O sustainer of all the worlds,

Oh Allah, set right my faith which is the safeguard of all my affairs,
And set right for me my world affairs wherein is my living,
An set right for me my hereafter on which depends my after life,
And make my life a source of abundance of every good,
And make my death a source of protection for me, protecting me from every evil,
Oh Allah! Make the best part of my life the end of it,
And the last of my deeds the best one,
And the best of my days, the day I meet you,
Oh Allah! I ask of you the best whilst living,
And ask for a good death,
And not a shameful or embarassing return,
Oh Allah! I ask you for the best affair,
The best suplication,
The best success,
The best knowledge,
The best deed,
The best reward,
The best life,
And The best death.
Keep me upright,
Make my scale heavy,
confirm my faith,
raise high my status(in the hereafter),
Accept my Salah,
And forgive my sins,
I ask you for high positions in Paradise,
Oh Allah! I ask you obligation of your mercy,
And determination of your forgiveness,
And the peace of every sin,
And the booty of every reward,
And Winning Paradise,
And surviving from Hell,
Oh Allah! make the result of all our affairs good,
And deliver us from the disgrace of this world and the torment of the hereafter,
Oh Allah! Distribute between us the heedfullness necessary to come between us and the commision of wrong against you,
The obedience necessary for us to gain admission into paradise,
And the unswerving faith necessary to minimise for us the tribulations in this world,
Oh Allah! Allow us to enjoy our hearing, our sight, and our strength for as long as we live,
And make that enjoyment our heir(so that the people that we have befitted could pray for us), and place our vengeance on those that have wronged us,
And give us victory over our enemies,
And try us not in our faith,
Neeither make this world our greates concern,
or the extent of our knowledge,
Nor give power over us to those who would oppress us,
Oh Allah! Leave no sins of ours in this assembley unforgiven,
Nor any grief without being relieved,
Nor any debt without being paid,
Nor any difficulty in this life or the hereafter without being facilitated,
Oh the most merciful of all that is Merciful,
Our Lord! Give us the good of this world and the hereafter,
And save us from the torment of the fire,
Oh Allah! send peace and salutation upon Muhammed (PBUH) and his family, his companions and those that follow him,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

sIapaKah SahaBat aKu yAng SebenArnyA

nk crita skit lah kpd semua yg melawat blog sy ni.
di sekolah,sy mempunyai seorg shabat.dia ni seorg yg pandai.
keputusan exam dia yg lepas sgt baik.

apa yg akn sy ceritakan ini bknlh brmaksud sy ingin memburukkn dia.
tp,ini yg sy nmpak spnjang sy berkwn dgn dia.

Dia pernah mengatakan bhwa sy sahabat karibnya,namun....
dia memburukkn sy seprti mengumpat dan menfitnah sy.
dia mudah brsangka buruk trhadap org lain dan dia juga seorg yg mudah trasa.

bg sy dia juga seorg yg memilih kwan.
mksud sy di sni ialah dia hanya rapat dengan org yg pandai seprti budak cina..
yela..pelajar cina kebanyakknnya pandai2 belaka..

dia ni,sekiranya mndengar sesuatu yg buruk trhdap se2org msti dia akn pulaukn org tu..
dia brmasam muka dan dia macam tak nak lyn org tu..
kadang2 sy juga trsa dengan perangai dia..

dia pun pandai gak saund2 org..kalau dia tak puas hti ngn org tu,msti dia marah.dia pandai.....namun.....kepandaian dia tak brjya jd kn dia seorg sahabat yg baik..
sy akui yg sy jga hya seorg yg biasa..
sy ni pun kdg2 lupa dri..smg dia berubah...

itu 1 cerita..
da lg 1 crita..

kwn sy yg sorg ni plk..
dia ni suka melagakan org..
porak perandakn lg keadaan..

dia ni suka putar belitkan cerita..
org crita kt dia lain.dia crita kt org lain..

dia mcm 1 geng ngn kawan sy yg sy crita d la..
kadang2 takut gak nk crita pape kt dia ni..
dia janji tak nak bg tau org lain..
orang tau gak akhirnya..

pastu dia ni pandai korek rahsia org..
dia akan baik dgn org tu...sikit demi sikit dia korek rahsia org tu..
dia ni prgaulan dia ngn llki,sy tgk dah tak ada btasan lg dah..

duduk pun dekat2..main pukul2 badan..
ya Allah..
kalau ditegur alsannya dlm kelas ramai org..
tak ape...

tu je la.yg blh sy crita kt sni..